The Clothes Horse Blog

Being sustainable at Christmas
We can choose to be sustainable with many parts of Christmas and to consciously think about our gifts as well.
Here are a few sustainable and reusable suggestions for Christmas…
Reuse where you can - it is super exciting I find getting out the Christmas decks that have been tucked away and revisiting old memories, baubles and re decorating your home.
Lots of birthdays…
What clothes they no longer need, any clothes that need repairing (thanks mum!) As well as any winter clothes the boys may need this season.
Summer Activities
I love summer, spending time with the boys and just being together. To keep things easy we go outside lots as a family. We go often to the beach, woods as well as adventures exploring new parts of Cornwall or revisiting favourites. Sometimes we take the train or bus to mix things up make it a bit more exciting.
Around Cornwall
I love living in Cornwall. I was born and breed in Cornwall and I feel passionate about this county. It is beautiful, wild, old and special.
Simple days
I decided to stop. To not pack in our days, to let the boys just rest. When I started to do this it was a relief, I guess I didn’t really want to be cramming in too much into each day either, I wanted to take things slow.
Forgotten Life Skill
I am not a great sewer. When I get out the sewing machine I start by having grand exciting plans as to what I am going to make but these plans are soon slashed as I make mistake after mistake.
Every year when we start this season the boys and I start to look for our summer gear. The boys usually realise that they have grown and need shorts that fit them handing down their pairs to their younger brothers. Wetsuits need to reshuffling with the oldest usually needing a ‘new’ one.
Are clothes worn enough?
I read somewhere the other day that clothes are generally worn around 7 to 10 times before they are discarded. I find this so interesting as it seems that gone are the days when it is the norm that clothes are worn until they are shreds. Although saying that my husband is still rocking t shirts that he has worn for the past ten years, holes and all.
Spring Adventures
So we made it, its officially spring. Ive been looking for a while now at the ground and trees looking for signs that spring is coming and it is so great to see buds on the trees, blossom and flowers starting to bloom as well as lots of daffodils.
We have quite a few birthdays that come up in February for our family. This year my son whose birthday is in February will be eleven. Eleven. I have four sons and he is the third youngest.
Freaking out about needing to change…
Happy New Year to you all. Over these past blessed few weeks when alarm clocks didn’t need to be on, walks and Monopoly were regularly on the agenda and spending quality time with friends and family happened daily I have spent some time pondering and wondering.
I haven’t bought anything new or second hand in a long time…
I haven’t bought anything new or second hand since October. It started just to save some more money, we have five birthdays in our family between October and February plus with Christmas and the desperate need to go abroad I thought it would be sensible to start saving a bit more. But it has since evolved into a bit of a self interest to see how long I can keep this going.

De cluttering
I am slowly starting to de clutter the house. I like to do a de clutter before December and get some much needed space back into our house.